My favorite thing is that every year, the IRS tells you that YOU have to figure out how much you owe THEM. They don't even have the decency to present you with a bill. If you can't figure out the byzantine tax code and come up with the magic number on your own, you can pay a professional to do it for you and lose even more money than you would have before. See how that works?

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The Tax Preparation industry is a scam too, i hinted at that. But it was just a quick rant and i wanted to stay on point, briefly.

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It definitely is a scam!

Also, I had to leave my state because they were asking me to pay 1750 every three months for Taxes. Like a mortgage in itself !!

Now I pay about 950. It’s a huge difference and I’m glad I moved to a red state. But I still feel tweeted because they still tax way too much. If you have an apartment in Morocco that you own you own it, nobody will ask you for taxes or threaten to take it away.

We have asick system.

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Taxation is theft.

That’s the bottom line.

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The IRS know EXACTLY what you owe them before you do. They just want you to bend the knee. It's a humiliation ritual to terrorize you (did I make a mistake? will they come after me? OMG, I hope not...)

It's about control as much as about money. You file in the same way the Swiss had to bow to a hat on a pole in the play version of Wilhelm Tell.

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Great piece!

When elections are stolen, we are no longer represented.

Thus "taxation without representation." We are there -- right now.

Kind of sounds familiar doesn't it? 🤔

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You are 1000% Correct. We have no representation and unending taxation.

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Truth! And when you are born in a USA hospital, your Birth Certificate says you are property of the State. When you are born at home, you get a "Square" Birth Certificate that says no such thing.

The Amish have known this for some time.

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Robin tha Hood of all its brains, eh?

Their spiel works only if they purge any opposition. And that is why we had world wars!

But the thing is that politicians and governments are owned by the ones who really gear this reality into usury!

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You noticed that too?

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Indeed, I have. And I think there must be a good reason that I keep noticing what most people are oblivious to.. how about you?

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I've noticed that a whole lot more people are noticing now. But, TBH, there's a part of me that believes that's a controlled opposition narrative as well. It is true, but i don't think it's going to do anyone any good. It's too late. COVID-1984 was The Great Reset and now we are in the Great Taking.


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Maybe its too late for “the collective”(as we knew it). But its never too late for any individual, at least that’s what I think.

And yes, there is a lot of stuff that is afoot and is very well hidden. Dont discard the good tho! It works much more subtly and is hard to perceive if one is not clairvoyant…

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Did you get Word Herder's like and comment? The site is sometimes glitchy ain the comments and he can't click like.

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Nah, I blocked him because he was acting like a butthurt/trolling teenager on my vinegar stack... Btw, he seems to be a self-deluded joo.

Btw, I can not hit likes on comments under stacks, "java script void" issue. But I found a way around this problem (which is not going away). I can interact w comments in the activity section/tab. But there the formatting is so screwed up that it is hard to use substack at all. Also, when I interact with certain accounts, my FF gets 300+MB cached content which then breaks any kind of function on SS. And I have to delete it all just to be able to use my writer dashboard and other functions.

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For some reason, I can't "like" your comments. But I do.

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Do you mean technically "can't like" as in clicking the button for it or "can't like" as in there is some sort of abstract causing consternation?

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I’ve noticed. It’s all controlled by that same small country.

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Am I not allowed to like comments on your page b/c you don't want me to, or is this part of the "glitch"?

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I’m following you, you’re not muted or blocked by me, not sure what’s going on.

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No no, I couldn't "like" somebody's comment, not yourn, harf but Sirius' comment... Let me see if I can now... Nope, still can't like his comments, and it gives me a balloon that says "Bacon Commander says you can't like this comment." So, it's that glitchy thing, people have been complaining for days now they can't "like" this or that... SS is being devolved, maybe. Ok, bye. Good post, I think I said that before... And tell Sirius, I liked his comments, LOL

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I so want there to be a great awakening , i guess for me it’s just so hard to watch even with faith. That verse is pretty cut and dry I needed that, thanx

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Everyone IS awake. Have been. The idea everyone is sleeping is some kind of myth.

What we are is LEADERLESS.

We need elites to lead us; most of us can't get three people to agree on where to eat lunch when they are all hungry. The kinds of people who CAN get millions to agree to a vision and off their butts to do something are RARE. We have almost none of them on our side.

It's a Very Bad Situation.

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I’m not sure I agree with you, I think what we need is to take responsibility for ourselves and stop looking to be parented. What these elites are capable of is an evil outside of our realm of understanding it’s to dark for us to grasp. It’s easier to just ignore it and go with the flow or what’s that toxic wall people like to put up , oh ya it is what it is!!! We have a leader his name is Jesus Christ , we are not lacking a leader, we are lacking strength, confidence, commitment, compassion, and above all things honesty.

Our free will is being used against most of us we are guilty by association, because we have lost our voice, we are divided. They can throw whatever numbers at us they want because we don’t ever do the math. What we need to do is start gathering in person with no electronics, community based at first, to discuss how we truly feel, and to reconcile our differences like adults ourselves.

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Just a thought, but why don't we see any political candidates trying to End The Fed? That's a leader i can get behind!

It's unconstitutional, it's theft and it's ruined America (as have any central banking schemes every where and every when).

Such a thing would quickly right the ship. Problem being is such an incredible volume of Americans are getting Federal welfare, mostly in the form of their employment. So, they'd all be destitute. Useless DEI employees getting paid to show up and do paperwork. And those same federal grants have been trickling down to the state level for a hundred years creating the same administrative DEI dependency problem. If as many are awake as Sean claims (i don't agree btw, but IF) then they've realized they're part of the problem and don't want to stop the gravy train. They've got bills, car notes, mortgages and all their income comes from money borrowed by the Feds and/or state government of residence. If Debatable! is right then how do we convince the multitudes (brainwashed or bribed into submission, your pick) to voluntarily divest themselves from their worldly goods?

The government creates nothing of value, it borrows and bribes and ultimately destroys.

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Ending the Federal Gubbamint or ending the Federal Reserve? You won't end one without ending the other; they are conjoined twins.

NONE of those people in power will give up their power. You will have to wage war. I see no coalition of states building training barracks or setting their economies on a war footing; there's no relief from the state gubbamints (who are as incompetent and corrupt as da Fed Gubbamint...)

Rebels/Guerillas almost always lose, even when they have the aid of a foreign power, which any rebellion we raise will not have.

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That’s exactly my point!

Ending The Fed will dissolve Federal power. The entire bureaucracy will fall, all the intelligence agencies and all the agencies funneling money to NGO’s and the States.

It’s a beautiful dream. But pure fantasy. Our [s]elected officials will NEVER vote away their unlimited cash cow.

I also concur with your assessment of rebellion. It would require insane, immense funding, which of course will be suspect at best. We're going to have to endure the storm. Eventually the corruption will rot out everything they've built, but we're FAR from that point right now. They're at a crescendo of tyranny.

Get out of the cities. Now. There's not much time.

Network. Pray.

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Enduring the storm carries the risk of life in a USSR-style totalitarian Hellscape, complete with gulags and starvation. I'd rather risk war.

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Lead on. Get millions to agree to your ideas. The Elon Musks and DJTs are very rare beasts. The psychological makeup of such persons is at the extreme right of the bell curve.

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Musk and Trump are globalists. Musk is absolutely a transhumanist technocrat and Trump an oligarch. They are part of the "big club." That's the club that we are NOT allowed to participate, unless you're born into it or willing to sacrifice babies and shit.

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They can lead and organize at a mass scale. You and I cannot. I used them as example of that kind of personality.

They are all we have, like them or not. They are leaders, elite. They are what they are because that's what they have to be to succeed at that level.

We will never be part of their level of society; we either have not the talents/skills/psych profile or we won't make the sacrifices/compromises to play at that level.

Regardless of WHO you have in the elite, we need some of them on our side to succeed. The American Revolution was not run by chumps; all the signers of the US Constitution were of the Colonial elite. It takes elites to succeed in any mass-scale enterprise.

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Then we'll always be under their thumb.

This is the human experience. We are born into a fallen world. We do the best we can with what we have, lean on God for that and more. We will suffer and toil until His return.

That said, i will continue to speak truth and resist the lies. I will continue to seek solutions. Exit and build is the best path forward. At this point, we're playing defense or should be.

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And then at the top the money is no longer used in the way we use it. It’s created and pushed, but its creators have access to any resource they desire, and the means to take what ever it is they desire. After generations of never worrying about money what do you suppose these people do for fun? Why does the world continue to get worse with these people at the top? Because it’s been the same people for the most part for ever, yet still they never seem to make it better for anyone with all of the resources they’ve taken you would think (if they were good people that is) that change would always be for the better. When do we start asking these people why the continue to fail when the e been blessed with so much. At this point there is so much evidence that any denial has to be deep faked. People are not so un intelligent that they are not asking the same questions i am. God will win this war without question, but what we are supposed to be doing more on our own behalf without fear because we know our father in heaven is with us? This is where I’m at! At some point peole are going to have to stand in truth for what is right and God tells us not to be afraid!

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You can take a stand right now! Start with your own situation and work outwards.

The entire world has been brainwashed from cradle to crave, one generation after another. But the Bible talks about this. In particular, i find Matthew 7:13 to be most enlightening for this particular discussion,


There will be no great awakening.

But we still have work to do in the here and now. If we can save one soul, prevent one child from being trafficked, or from being chemically and surgically mutilated, then it counts.

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Have you ever read Ephesians 6 12 in the Geneva Bible, where it uses the word governors?

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I do think very much that AI is the image of the beast the Bible says man will build. It’s looking like all mechanics belong to Lucifer, and we’re leading to AI all along. Literally everything in organic is Lucifer’s plan. I’m questioning if the mark is the numbers they’ve been tying to us for tracking, social security numbers, drivers license number, birth certificates, death certificates, credit cards. I mean we really can’t by and sell without being tracked, also we have sell phones in our hands at all times tracking everything we do.

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sure. why?

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I just came across that simple word change yesterday, it really blew my mind. It’s like even language itself is being used keep people from making the connection. I thought I would throw it out there while the subject of tax theft was on the table. I was half asleep so I don’t think It came out completely right!

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Language is definitely weaponized by our luciferian overlords. New words are created, old words transformed, all designed to obfuscate, shame and cajole the masses in whatever direction they desire.

"With SEL and technology, futurists and transhumanists found a way to transform education toward what they perceived as a newly tooled soft skills workforce. With the problem of future needs for dumbed-down workers solved, they now proceed full-speed ahead with their bioengineering of chips implanted in human bodies of workers to potentially collect data through AI to create a Chinese-style Social Credit Score."


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Jul 8
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What are you on about? Are there two Joe Keysor's?

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Jul 8
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All because i commented that i do not have loyalty to man nor celebrate Independence Day?

Did you forget that yesterday we had a perfectly normal exchange? Now there’s some inconsistency…

Wow. That’s some serious bitterness you’re harboring. Now you come up on my substack to attack me.

You probably need to back off SS for a bit and calm down. This ain’t for you.

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Jul 8Edited
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Well said.

I have often told people that we do not own our property. I generally get the eye-roll.

It is de facto Fascisitic Socialism; the government/bankster alliance owns all. You get to rent small parts of it. Socialism is the gov't controls the means of production, communication, movement, and all resources. It has become effectively a totalitarian socialist hellscape.

I live in Alaska but I am not allowed to dig the coal or copper here, nor can I drill for oil in my back yard. Nope. You want permits many from the State to drill for oil? Better have a couple BILLION in bribes. The official permits carry price tags in the millions; that's just the official cost for slips of paper giving you permission. The other costs are in environmental impact surveys (that take years and cost millions) and in less-than-state permits (tribal land is sacred! pay Whitey, PAY!) or local gubbamints desperately greedy tacking on permit costs (oh, that well will be in the township of Wasilla. Permit, ka ching. Wasilla is in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Another permit, ka-ching.)

My wife tried for years to get a small chocolatier business off the ground. It was bled to death by gubbamint, never mind sourcing the right kinds of chocolate. Hell, her primary supplier was bought out and instantly the quality went to maggot-ridden dog shit levels.

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A parallel can be drawn with the Roman Empire, which collapsed partly due to declining economic power and an excessive tax burden. In our case, it is not only about the United States but the entire world system that makes this possible. it is said that there could be changes soon, for example, in Saudi Arabia regarding the agreement on petro-dollars.

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Yeah. Yesterday marked the official end of the “petrodollar” contracts between the US and Saudi Arabia. It’s all downhill from here on out. The dollar will hold some utility because of the sheer volume of it in circulation, no other currency could handle the scale of transactions as a world reserve currency. That said, it is dying and will decline rapidly now. Prepare yourselves.

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I’m really trying hard to do that. I bought a means of protection that was never available to me in the blue state I came from and I’m doing a lot of canning, but I don’t know what else I can do.

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Stack silver or goldbacks, learn skills, water filtration, escape plans, prayer, medical supplies. Beans and bullets will be of high value in an extreme situation especially at the outset. People cannot eat silver or gold. But i do believe that storing the silver rounds and goldbacks is important as people settle in a really bad and try to stabilize what remains.

Just imagine if every store you shop from is closed for a year, what would you need?

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Good grief, you've nailed it all down in an amazingly short post.


Now, let us get busy on the removal of Central Govt. and property taxes and income taxes, and licenses, and allllll the rest of the BS we're conned out of! In fact, I don't need no stinkin' GOVT. Do you know, I was/am accused of FELONY ASSAULT, and my Public Defender says I can probably get Diversion, by PAYING THE COUNTY every month and "staying out of trouble" for a year, or two years. I've never been IN trouble until someone LIED about me. Now I can keep my name from having a FELONY on it by PAYING FOR MY INNOCENCE. Sweet, eh?

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As it stands now, we’re ALL criminals. There are so many onerous rules, laws and regulations, any person can commit 10-15 misdemeanors every day. Maybe a felony or two a month.

We’re all Palestine now.

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Well, perhaps in some sense… Since “they” donut have any sense, I say bollocks. And I ain’t gonna give them any power I donut have to. So, No, I ain’t Palestine (nobody should be), I know what you mean, and this isn’t directed at you, but… FUCK OFF, Nasties, you are stinky muffo rat bastard psychopath shitholes and your mothers are your daughters.

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That is their wet dream for all of us.

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Well done!

The circular argument, circular reasoning, circular jerk of "we are the authority that has authority over you, and we will authorize the rules to rule, and the make you pay for it all, including the armed armies that will use deadly force against those that pay their salaries..." is like a snowball rolling down an infinite slope, gaining speed and mass with every revolution.

The current tax scheme is the root of our decline. If there were some way to change how we fund a country we could improve.

I know the easy argument is the an-cap one, but it only works when everyone believes exactly the same thing and cooperates fully, in my opinion.

I think the first step is to cease the process of "withholding" from a person's paycheck. Just like their netflix or amazon subscription, the mentally feeble do not see how much they give away each and every payday, death by a thousand paper cuts. When they have to write a check (for those that still do) to said government, for said services (which should be itemized each year, like the bill at a restaurant), the average tax hamster would begin to wake ip and say "Hey! I didn't order that!"

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I agree with you about an-cap. It is the preferable way to go, but utterly unrealistic as a whole.

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The tyranny and usurpations occurring now far exceed the grievances of our founding fathers. But for a revolution to be successful, a religious and moral people must be at the helm. The greatest accomplishment our "hamster wheel" providers pulled off was not convincing the middle class that they are free, but convincing them that government, not God, is their ultimate protector. With that fait accompli, citizens now stand with government, pitchfork and fire in hand, to condemn all who threaten their perceived freedom. The keepers of the cave have cast their shadows well.

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Well said Bruce. I agree.

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Thank you for your comment and thank you for using founding fathers instead of founders. Found this is a government word and it used to emasculate men. The feminist doesn’t want to be reminded that this country was started by men some really great men who had a lot of important ideas that were implemented. People don’t want to be reminded of that but tough.

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It's true..Think about it. Once Joe was put in, those who supported President Trump had their Business Bank accounts closed by Banking Institutions who are backing the NWO. That's what's really happening. Perfect example is Mike Lindell of “My Pillow” who hired American. Citizens, made in the USA…

Another lawfare was against Rudy Giuliani, Roger Sine, Gen. Flynn, and Alex Jones.

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